This is the first Tier List from the new Top Player Council, the best performing players in the last three months. Check 'em out here.
Luke Tyler
The meta is in a very diverse position right now. Many different decks in Tiers 1-2 have the ability to dominate a tournament, and not one of them feels objectively stronger than the rest (at least in terms of performance). This has lead to a situation where there is no clear best deck of the format.
Tier 1
TPC Comments
The format is balanced. Almost every deck has the same "power" level. Subterrors stand out in Tier 1 because they have the strongest Turn 1.
Luke Tyler
Six Samurai thrives from having many strong matchups across the other meta contenders, making it very useful for tournament play. It has seen much tournament success in the recent weeks, and further results from the deck are anticipated.
Subterror continue to be a dominant deck in the meta thanks to the extremely oppressive combination of Loading... and Loading... .
Six Samurai has taken the spotlight completely recently and it has proved to us why. The decks ability to be flexible with its techs in the main and side deck as well as utilize consistency skills with a good number of favorable matchups and only a couple of unfavourable ones, that's what really makes it stand out compared to other decks.
Tier 2
TPC Comments: