
With the recent announcement of one of the largest, most meta-warping banlists. While we now have some results and larger scale testing to produce a more accurate snapshot of the meta, the Tier List is still somewhat volatile and subject to change.

Tier 1

TPC Comments


After this past week's performance, Desperado has proven to be the deck to beat and therefore gets promoted to Tier 1. Good consistency, a powerful boss monster, draw power, recurssion, and adjustable tech slots are some good qualities this deck has. Despite this, the deck can still struggle in some matchups like against Noble Knights, so don't be surprised if that specific deck becomes more popular or if some off-the-radar decks that can easily deal with Desperado start popping up like Vendreads.


With the ban of Loading... and the disappearance of Shiranui, Desperado had their chance to shine. And so they did by taking both 1st and 2nd Place at the Meta Weekly. The deck's good matchup with one of the expected Tier 1 decks of the previous week, Cyber Dragons, really encouraged people to pick up the deck. Desperado is promoted to the Tier 1 slot but it will be interesting to see how the deck will adapt to potential Side Deck hate, like Loading... .

Tier 2

TPC Comments


Despite in theory being one of the strongest and most explosive decks of the format, Cyber Dragon does suffer from a bad Desperado matchup since it can't easily deal with Loading... itself. Also, matchups like Ritual Beasts and Witchcrafters can be tricky, therefore Cyber Dragon gets demoted to Tier 2.


Noble Knights are looking strong in the current meta. Access to Loading... and an Equip Spell guarantees a +2/+3 going first as well as a pop with Loading... during the opponent's turn, giving the deck a super solid Turn 1 that usually is enough to stop OTK decks in their tracks. Furthermore, the deck has cards that can recycle resources like Loading... , giving the deck a control element which enables it to win in a grind game, especially in this format which is way more aggressive than the previous ones. Noble Knights are a breath of fresh air for the meta and while going second the deck loses to a single disruption, the Turn 1 is so good that the weaknesses going 2nd can be forgiven.

Luke Tyler