Gem Guide


This is a living guide which automatically updates itself based on new tournament decks and current Power Rankings to give you the most up-to-date gem investment advice possible. The green/red arrows — / — found on cards throughout the guide represent recent trends in those cards’ usage rates. For more info read the analysis details.

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Recommended Deck

The average cost to build Borrel Link (Tier 2) is
37000 34500 gems
+ . This comes from the
28000 25500 gems
needed for the core UR/SR Cards:
3 copies
Quick Launch
2 copies
Rokket Tracer
Double Disruptor Dragon
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Borreload Riot Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon
Borrelsword Dragon
Borreload Dragon
Effect Veiler
as well as the core R/N cards: Along with roughly
9000 gems
used for tech cards like Loading... . The rest of the core cards are free to obtain:
3 copies
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
2 copies
Quadborrel Dragon
Magnarokket Dragon
Borreload Furious Dragon
Galactic Spiral Dragon
Rapid Trigger
Triple Burst Dragon
Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon
Silverrokket Dragon
Other Top Decks
  1. Fleur (Tier 2) –
    75000 62000 gems
  2. Lyrilusc (Tier 1) –
    25000 22500 gems + $74

These are decks that can require significant in-game play time to build. Because they make heavy use of cards from sources like drop rewards, ranked tickets, the Card Trader, and level-up rewards, these decks can be difficult for a new player to obtain.

These are decks whose best versions involve cards currently exclusive to Selection Boxes. Such cards are extremely expensive and only available while the Selection Boxes are around (until November 18th). It is unknown when these cards will be available to purchase again.

Note: Before investing in a deck, take the time to look into the play-style of the deck as well as general opinions on the deck. Be sure that you’ll enjoy playing the deck and that it’s not in danger of suddenly becoming irrelevant.

Analysis Details

This page works by analyzing recent tournament decks from the past few weeks, automatically accounting for any changes to the Forbidden/Limited List and Power Rankings. Only cards which are used in those decks above a certain “usage threshold rate” are counted on this page, so the cards you see above are guaranteed to have been successful in multiple top decks from multiple players.

A “staple” card is classified as any card which is commonly used in multiple top-tier decks. Cards may shift from being staples to being classified as “archetype-specific support” if all but one of the decks using that card fall off the Tier List. Similarly, cards may become staples as other decks that use the card are promoted on to the Tier List.

The recommended deck is the best, most accessible deck on the Tier List, perfect for new or returning players. The price of each deck is estimated by looking at the “core” cards and then factoring in how expensive common “tech” cards are. If you’re instead looking for information on one of the non-recommended decks, the deck-type pages have full statistical breakdowns of the cards used in every deck.