The meta is currently diverse and balanced, but different from pre-Tachyon meta because we don't have as much room for Rogue decks due to meta decks being so much more powerful thanks to the consistency provided either by their Skills or more modern card design. Live☆Twin is the only deck that is fighting to keep its spot (but is struggling in a Loading... . Last week, everything on the top end of the Tier List has topped - speaking to its competitiveness. Shiranui remains Tier 1 as the representation is still high and the deck itself has perhaps the strongest Turn 1 and a Turn 2 with a lot of extenders.
As far as the new box is concerned, Loading... is a strong new hand trap but I think Loading... is still optimal (Ghost Mourner can stop things like Loading... though, so maybe we will see it in some formats).
Loading... currently has little use, and being Limit 3 off the bat will hurt it a lot.
Tier 1
TPC Comments
The great question of "Which Zombie deck reigns supreme?" has been presented.
Shiranui, Mayakashi, and the new Zombie piledeck all have a place in the meta (and in my honest opinion no one deck has a dominant position). Zombie pile has seen a marked uptick in tourney representation due to its novelty and ability to supplement its strong board with Loading... (normally locked out of your usual Skill restrictions). It may very well edge out Shiranui more clearly in the coming week(s) (as Shira lost a good deal of going second extension with the Skill hit whereas the former has more fuel. Mayakashi similarly has great in-engine extension going second).
It should, however, be noted that both Zombies and Mayakashi both get hard floodgated by Loading... (which Blue-Eyes and Galaxy-Eyes can make with ease), whereas Shiranui can still play.
A shift to include Loading... in Zombies has been seen, as well as discussion of including the new Loading... announced in the new box to better combat the Sanaphond lock.
When facing down a Blue-Eyes OTK with Loading... , Shiranui can set up the best board state with a Loading... summoning Loading... in the Battle Phase and using its effects to stave off lethal,
Tier 2
TPC Comments
In my opinion, Blue-Eyes is the best 1-card combo deck, as it usually has 2-4 guaranteed disruptions. The ability to play into disruption and Battle Chronicle providing additional disruption and OTK plays in following turns is quite strong.
Right now, there are two ways to play the deck, a 20-24 card version with Loading... and a higher-count version with Loading... .
The Bingo version focuses on having one monster and a bunch of backrow to grind. What's cool about the Bingo version is if it opens too many monsters it can use Bingo to have a good shot at finding Loading... and having disruption.
The Melody version focuses more on OTK plays and using Loading... to lock out the Zombie decks. It's good but Loading... can be bricky, and the higher decksize means a lower frequency in opening handtraps. It also has issues playing through larger boards as Alternative is usually not enough against a Loading... play.
With the new box, it may be possible to mix both versions with Loading... . It adds more extenders (and potentially more disruption via Loading... ), potentially bundling both together. The fact that it's Limit 3 and locks you out from other Summons means it's probably not the optimal choice.