
With the arrival of a new box, I have to ask myself whether or not it's a worthwhile investment. Do the cards look like they'll be fun, good or both? Should I save my gems and wait until the next box is revealed 3 weeks from now? Or can my gems be put to better use somewhere else? If your gems are close to expiring or you're happy with your current decks, I suggest you invest towards some techs.

Tech cards are typically added to help cover a decks weaknesses, gain advantage or exploit the weaknesses of opposing meta decks. For many techs, a single copy is not enough. A successful decklist will often run multiple copies to increase the odds of drawing a Tech sooner. An example of a strong Tech would be Loading... , which fits into a wide variety of decks and often steals games with its tribute-taking effect.

My intention with this guide is to introduce new and returning players to valuable Tech cards that can strengthen both current and future decks. The list below contains ten techs that are highly beneficial to own in the long term, categorized from high to low priority. For the sake of this guide, I consider priority based on how useful a Tech is in current and potentially future formats, along with accessibility for players with fewer resources to spend.

As these are meant to be gem sinks, cards that are obtainable outside of boxes will never be on this list.

Before You Buy

As the purpose of a Tech implies, you'll need a working deck first. If you're a new or returning player unfamiliar with the current metagame, I suggest looking into which decks you want to build beforehand. Browsing the Top Decks page or asking around for advice may be a good start. You'll also be able to see which techs are commonly paired with which decks. Some decks require significant gem or monetary investment, while others require event-exclusive cards that you may have previously missed.

Keep in mind that Duel Links shakes up the meta whenever it chooses to do so. Some decks fall out of relevance before they can even take off due to powercreep, poor timing and various other reasons. There's the Forbidden and Limited List which is also worth looking over. Cards of "ultra" or "super" rarities in box sets have not been added to the list so far, but that may change someday. A powerful deck you're looking into may be hit in the future, with the list usually updating after large-scale events or the rare case of "emergency bans."

High Priority

techs that are highly valuable in the current metagame. If you don't own any of these cards, you put yourself at a disadvantage against other players. They may be both accessible and powerful, or their effects are well worth the cost if you can afford it.

  • Loading... : On the surface this card may look underwhelming, and it was when first released. The meta has since shifted heavily towards monster effects, especially with the release of Fur Hires. Forbidden Chalice is a common answer to stop them in their tracks, whether to prevent a leading Fur Hire from summoning others out of the hand or counteract a negation triggered by Loading... . Chalice is also known to work with Loading... , allowing for a staggering 3200 points of direct damage if activated in the damage step. It's in the same box as Loading... , another card later in the list, which is worth considering if you want to kill two birds with one stone.

  • Loading... : One of the best methods of spell and trap removal Duel Links has to offer. Unfortunately, being an ultra rare from a main box makes Cosmic Cyclone a costly card to acquire. This is one of two candidates I would recommend if you ever get your hands on a Dream Ticket, or if you happen to already own one and haven't used it yet. The crucial difference between Cosmic Cyclone and other backrow hate is that it banishes the target of choice, allowing for clean removal of cards like Loading... and Loading... : two continuous traps that can evade the lock-down or destruction properties of other removal spells. The 1,000 LP cost can be used to assist in triggering skills as well, such as Switcheroo , Destiny Draw and Cyber Style .

  • Loading... : Reputable for its ability to enable one-turn kills, especially in Fur Hires. Its increased usage has resulted in a greater need for chainable backrow, shutting out cards like Loading... and Loading... . Much easier to acquire than Loading... due to being in a mini box, but cannot remove spells or traps that are already on the field face-up such as Loading... or Loading... .

  • Loading... : With the introduction of Fur Hires and semi-limiting of Loading... , Canadia has almost become a necessary addition to any player's card collection. While susceptible to an early Loading... , Canadia can put multiple threats and combo-starters to a halt such as Loading... , Loading... and Loading... . If chained to the activation of a trap card while in your graveyard, Paleozoic Canadia can be summoned as an additional monster to protect your life points, provide fodder for a tribute summon or remove with Loading... to special summon any Amazoness monster from your deck. Sharing the same box as Loading... and Masked HERO Anki, Canadia is another costly card to get ahold of but will likely prove to be a worthwhile investment in the long term.

  • Loading... : A card so powerful that it can win games as a single copy in your deck. Despite the drawback of becoming a dead card with even one trap in the graveyard, several decks that run other traps such as Amazoness can afford to Tech a copy. You will see this card run in almost every type of deck.

Medium Priority

techs that are valuable to own, but can usually afford to be passed over when building a deck. Power relative to accessibility is fair.

  • Loading... : Another older Tech that hasn't seen much use these days, but can still find its place in the right decks. It's weak against spell-immune or negating monsters such as Loading... and Loading... , as well as deck types that run different attributes of monsters. However, against a deck such as Amazoness that largely consists of Earth-attribute monsters, Super Rush can be enough to halt them for a turn or remove Loading... from the field. While Super Rush Headlong is an accessible mini box card, the box is rather outdated and more important techs should fill your collection first.

  • Loading... : One of the most commonly-run traps on the ranked ladder, next to Loading... . Extremely susceptible to a Loading... off the field, but the 800 ATK loss per controlled monster can be massive if your opponent plays into it. Against a full board, Wall of Disruption results in a massive 2400 ATK decrease to each of their attack-position monsters, allowing for an easy cleanup on your turn. If you pull for Loading... , you might even pull a copy or two of this card along the way. However, with the sheer viability of Treacherous Trap Hole in mind, several decks choose Treacherous over this card. It's possible to run them both in the same deck, but using Wall of Disruption beforehand will make your Treacherous a dead card.

Low Priority

techs that can safely be passed over in favor of other cards, especially on a budget, but are still beneficial to own in the long term. You are not put at a disadvantage by lacking any of these cards.

  • Loading... : One of the oldest techs next to Loading... that still has a place to this day. Sphere Kuriboh is one of the few methods to protect yourself from a massive Loading... OTK. It can also allow for follow-ups when used on a strong monster with low defense, such as Loading... and Loading... . The biggest drawback to Sphere Kuriboh comes with its age, as it was released in the first main box littered with outdated cards. I don't advise pulling for Sphere Kuriboh by hand if you can't afford it, instead relying on the scarce instances of "+1 UR" box sales or even a Dream Ticket to get your hands on it.

  • Loading... : A card that both thrives and suffers from its old age. An uncommon instance of a trap Tech that isn't afraid of Loading... . It can also be activated in the damage step, which very few of your opponent's potential cards can respond to. The optional 2,000 LP cost is hefty, but can be used to trigger skills of choice like Cyber Style and Destiny Draw . Mirror Wall has long been compared to Loading... in terms of viability; the latter is far more accessible, but Mirror Wall is more versatile with its uses. Like Sphere Kuriboh, coming from one of the oldest main boxes does it no favors and makes Mirror Wall a very costly card to pull for when it isn't essential for the current metagame.

  • Loading... : The Canadia before Loading... . Floodgate is a dreaded lock-down card to face in a format with only three monster zones and few decks that revolve around tribute summons. The prevalence of Loading... puts a damper on Floodgate, which also becomes useless if your opponent has already managed to set up and fill their board beforehand. The inability to switch battle positions after being hit by Floodgate Trap Hole still has its uses, especially when all three monster zones are clogged and the opposing deck has no method of removing them. Paleozoic Canadia, however, is more flexible and should be pursued instead if you don't already have it. Some decks will even benefit from running both Floodgate and Canadia, which is also worth considering.