
King of Games from on March 11th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Player id: 688-454-796

To be honest the deck feels weak even before the upcoming skill changes.

Going first with just one visible omni negate versus an opponent with five cards in the hand + the card advantage from activating a character skill doesn't feel good. Bascially every going second opponent has two Book of Moon and one Cosmic Cyclone in the opening hand and Tachyon Transmigration can almost never be activated which makes it so that the deck heavily relies on hard drawing at least two non-searchable traps and spells.

It's currently good in going second because of the free summon and search from the skill. Dingirsu's non targeting effect surprises the opponent and forces out backrow activations.

During the rankup I was surprised that I still won almost every duel with such a weak going first endboard but it would have been better to completly drop Tachyon Transmigration and Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon and replace them with Coach King Giantrainer to increase the chances of drawing multiple traps or spells for going first.

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Playlists with PvP gameplay:

  • Just Duel Links Galaxy-Eyes gameplay:


  • Gameplay from all Duel Links seasons in general (with different decks):


  • Final duels before all 36 King Of Games rankups:


  • Just Dragon RUSH DUEL gameplay:


  • Just Snake-Eye Master Duel gameplay:


  • Gameplay from all 27 Master Duel seasons in general (with different decks):
