Earth Machine

King of Games from on January 9th, 2024
Gems 53.5k + $60
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I don't usually post here but there's a first time for everything I guess. Nonetheless, I really wanted to share my decklist and give out some tips. (Also, I've only played Earth Machines in duel links so anyone who has any additional experience can share their thoughts as well).

Well the recent tier list dropped so I guess but I thought I'd still talk about my experience with the decks matchup.

●Tenyi: I haven't faced many, but this matchup is usually good. You run your infinitrack lines or go anger knuckle + switchyard if you go first. Citadel can be an answer to shthana plays. And Liebe is your turn 2 gameplay, nothing else to say here.

●Constellar: Their turn 1 is too good but not always impossible to play through. Machina Fortress & Derricrane special summons can come in very handy if they use Pliedias or warning point on your normal summon or extra deck summon. The best setup against them turn 1 I found helpful is to dump citadel and spam as many monsters on board (preferably at least 3 or less but with outrigger protection or another backrow). If they can't send all your monsters back to hand, citadel will send in his judgement or they won't attack and you can combo through most of their backrow next turn.

●☆Live Twins: This is mostly a coinflip matchup with "who has the better hand?" sort of feel to it. You go 1st, setup well, and they can't out play you, vice versa. Whoever goes 1st with the worst hand does struggle though.

●Altergeist and S Force: Thankfully I didn't see much of these two but they are a lot similar to Twins and tend to be a pain if you're not careful. S Force in particular is problematic if it opens chase too early and you can't remove it.

●Rokkets: Surprisingly I barely had trouble against this deck. This was one of those moments where Citadel really gets to shine. Anger knuckle tag outs with switchyard is our way of swarming like those dragons but don't do that before they use Boot sector. If they go Draco Berserker, bait it.

●Neos/Yubel: Just as the TPC said, this is the deck you absolutely DON'T want to face. But if you happen to, just pray you draw the outs.

●Suships: Ah the sushi ships. They got some crazy ways to otk us if they go 2nd. It once again depends on who opens better I guess.

-> For staples, lost wind & TOTO can be replaced easily. In fact I advise two more chalice/book if possible. I hope this helps everyone and good luck with your climbs 👍

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