
King of Games from on August 26th, 2023
Gems 24.5k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Made this deck for fun after seeing my opponents deck, with some tweaks. The deck worked the best with 2 Brigade and 2 Knightmare. Barely used the skill but could go with draw sense spell/trap or LP alpha. Best as a turn 2 deck with ability to play through disruptions if you draw atleast 1 usable draw spell, then just keep on milling until all combo pieces are in graveyard then Board wipe with rose dragon. Lumina is the main combo piece for discarding the required card and reviving Raiden for more milling then making rose dragon. Use rose dragon's effect only if you could put 2 more body on the field afterwards with orcust combo from graveyard, which shouldn't be hard after all the milling.

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