
King of Games from on August 31st, 2023
Gems 34.5k + $89
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Clash with dimensions! Immortal Phoenix Gearfried x Red Eyes, the combination absolutely nobody thought would go well together. It's all held down together due to Linkuriboh and the Salamandra skill!

24c list, might seem super out of place. WRONG. The crazy amount of synergy this deck has is unbelievable. It has defensive capabilities, can overwhelm your opponent after turn 3 even through backrow, can take care of backrow, etc..

Most Gearfried decks you will find on this site are not built around Gearfried's weaknesses. The only other list I could approve of would be Hazy Flame as it can turbo through backrow into Beatrice and get the ball rolling, while also taking care of threats with ease using Agni.

I would swap a Ferocious L2 for an Equimax if I owned one.

Here are some combos you may want to keep in mind if you're looking to play RE x Gearfried:

Roland: Linkuriboh + Veil OR IPG depending on hand.

Black Metal Dragon: Linkuriboh + Insight dump Baby grab Spirit. This alone is a +3 to +4 combo if you can get removal wasted on Spirit. This combo ends with a backrow removal, 3 bodies (including Linkuriboh's defense effect), and searching BMD.

Insight/Fusion + Roland: This combo gets you two Roland searches, you want the first one (dumped as fodder) to search Veil for protection (unless you already have one) and the 2nd one to be equipped to Slash. Slash does NOT need to survive, your goal is to make it to Turn 3 and barrage your opponent with 2 IPG's.

Sunlight Wolf + IGP: You can usually make this with Veil on the field, + preferably Sublimation Knight then also an IPG. This ends at Sunlight Wolf, IPG, a newly dumped Roland, and a previous IPG/Roland via Sunlight Wolf's effect.

RE Gearfried + Handtrap: Dangerous combo that threatens non-targeting backrow removal while also giving a search. This frees things up for a Gearfried summon

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