
King of Games from on April 8th, 2024
Gems 38k + $11
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I would like to thank the TPC members that misled people into thinking Shiranui was still a Tier 1 or 2 deck these past couple of weeks, as that deck is such a free win for Red-Eyes Zombie. Poetically, my 13 winstreak rank-up game to KoG was against a Shiranui player lol. That replay is included as the 3rd replay below.

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The best possible Turn 1 board (thanks to Burial from a Different Dimension): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06b9396f786f3663c42341945d3d040e2704f9df4d #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

vs D-HERO Balerdroch: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/028c1cb8c257e41ebda7fbd6457c0c7b105f7aa8cb #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

vs Shiranui for the rank-up to KoG: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07756bbd446d2d69edd7ef00712d3be947b325d6fd #DuelReplay #DuelLinks