
King of Games from on April 23rd, 2024
Gems 35.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Too much Battle Chronicle in ladder... Anyways, a well timed counter trap still solos most of the decks. Switched to a pure Dragon Extra Deck, you will almost never see stuff like Dingirsu or other non Dragon rank 8s being able to be summoned, especially in this meta. 2 Tachyon is nice, gives you more fighting power when the first one is interrupted as that skill effect of gaining the rank up spell or counter trap is not once per duel.

First half of the season with limited 3 Spiral, Played with limit 3 traps since today, starting from legend 3.

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Rank up: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/04898a85fcae9999935fae910103d00c7af837837d Favorite duel: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0408f0d8c446386a8500f3abe65434a539e228e4db