Dark Magician

King of Games from on April 24th, 2024
Gems 43.5k + $11
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Dark Magician, come forth! The hours of grinding was well worth the admission to King of Games! Some notes:

  • This deck is relatively the same as my KC Cup deck, with the change of trading 1 Dark Magical Circle for 1 Piercing the Darkness. There comes a time where you really do need just that one extra draw to unbrick your hand. Looking at the top 3 is alright, but draw power is what pushes this deck forward.

  • The current trend of a lot of decks is targeting. Number 74 served to be more useful than I could've imagined. In fact, I was able to wipe out an entire Constellar board when the opponent refused to read Number 74's effect and went too aggressive on targeting it (no saved replay unfortunately). Don't sleep on it!

  • Any non-targeting decks will require you to be able to recover from losing resources when they hit you. Use Eternal Soul to your advantage to blow up your own The Dark Magicians OR The Great Double Casted Caster and provide yourself with some defenses OR another way in order to KO your opponent. Don't use it too early in the duel.

  • 2 Successor Soul set on the field has saved me more than just 1 set on the field. If they get rid of your only Successor Soul, you're wide open. Consider running 2 and see how it works for you

  • D.D. Crow is quite the stong hand trap in the current metagame. With a lot of decks that start their combos in the GY or have essential pieces in the GY, you need more than just Successor Soul/Eternal Soul + Dark Magical Circle to interrupt your opponent. I've found 2 to be consistent enough and helpful enough when I needed them

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T.G (SKIP BATTLE PHASE): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0760b5d59614abf5805771e42a4a976c18d067feaf

Blue-Eyes (Dimension ver.): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/029292a93ae059ffdd3915c0f86958fae82558fd38

Blue-Eyes (Chronicle ver.): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/002c3a9c9ebe972f79ac4d54820b0382e693251e61

Live-Twin: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00e7d4efcb008d31a5484f011e4591960c9396476f