Tech Genus

KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 13th, 2024

Notes & Combos

It took so many tries from DLv. 19 to get to MAX -_- Anyways, this deck is super fun. I love Halberd Cannon and going first with it feels awesome in the current meta. Black Rose without using the Normal Summon is crazy strong. This list isn't even optimized; it went through many, many changes throughout the climb. The list here is what I used from DLv. 10 to DLv. 19.

Honestly, I'd say the biggest enemy on the climb was myself. I'm not actually sure how complicated this deck is, but I found myself timing out whilst thinking of ways to break my opponent's board and/or go for lethal. I lost a few Duels that were completely mine to win simply because I spent too much time thinking.

Insights, thoughts, and changes I'd consider:

  • 2x Limiter Removal: This one is a bit sus and I'm still not sure if it's even good. The idea is that if I opened Limiter Removal + some other cards I wanted to keep in hand, I could activate the Skill to search the first copy and discard either the second copy for cost. Additionally, I could theoretically get 2 activations of Limiter Removal per Duel to have guaranteed follow-up instead of having to work for the T.G. Synchro surviving to turn 3.
  • 3x Miscellaneosaurus + 2x Booster Raptor, 1x Fossil Dig: Discarding Miscellaneosaurus off of Limiter Removal is insanely broken. The drawback is opening multiple Misc + non-engine, turning off the Skill. Luckily I never bricked with them, but I'm considering going 2x Misc and 3x Booster Raptor.
  • 2x Veiler, 2x D.D. Crow, 2x Lance: These are the non-engine cards. They all performed exceptionally well, especially Lance and Crow. You could run Droplet over Veiler. At DLv. 19, I was losing to "go first" decks like Tenyi and Live Twin, so I added 2x Droplet to keep up. Droplet is incredible because you can chain it to Limiter Removal for a free negate. In retrospect, I think running both Veiler and Droplet is redundant. If you want effect negation, you should run either Droplet or Veiler, but not both.
  • -1x Cyber Slash: The Extra Deck felt extremely solid on my entire climb, with the exception of Cyber Slash. The idea was to use Limiter Removal's GY effect to get a bounce off of Cyber Slash, but I never summoned it and it never came up. I'll need to experiment with the Extra Deck, since I'm seeing lists including Quarion, Onimaru, and Clausolas that look interesting.
  • 1x Drill Fish, 1x Striker: Drill Fish is basically just another copy of Booster Raptor. 1x Striker was because I never needed the 2nd Striker, and turn 1 Black Rose was consistent enough with 1 Striker + 3 Warwolf.
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I only needed 3 Duel wins in a row for my rank-up, so I only have 3 replays.

Mayakashi (The first Duel of my rank-up streak was a first-turn scoop, so here's a random replay of me playing through double D.D. Crow. I'm not sure what you're supposed to stop with Halberd Cannon in this matchup. My opponent played like a monkey this Duel. )

Live Twin Nekroz (I have no idea what this guy was cooking, and I was not interested in finding out.)

Neos Yubel (I hate this deck. Glad to see it suffer on my rank-up.)