
KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 15th, 2024
Gems 31k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The goal of this deck is to shuffle it around with Moray of Greed and Level 5 Reload (in that order usually) until you can use Spinos to direct attack twice for game.

Brachion is the surprise MVP because you can special summon it even without pendulum scales if your opponent has a monster, so you can start with it and tribute summon even without scales, and maybe summon it again with the Dinomist Charge. It's also useful for baiting out Floodgate Trap Hole and the like before pendulum summoning.

Ceratops is also useful, but be careful, you cannot special summon it if you've got a non-Dinomist monster. You have yo watch the order you summon then sometimes, and you may even need to forgo scales all together and play a second Dinomist Charge, and just use these two to build what you need, but that's not ideal.

The main play with these two is use Spinos's effect, recycle with the continuous spell, tribute again, attack twice directly for game.

Rex can be useful with non-targeting non-destructive removal, but it didn't come up much.

The pendulum scales also have defensive use, but be careful when using them. 1 LP and two scales can be better than 4000 LP and one scale. It's best to use them only when going for game unless absolutely necessary unless you have the continuous spell to cycle one. Pay attention to which one you break and when, because if you're up against something like Successor Soul that targets but doesn't destroy, it makes a difference.

Kozmoll Dark Lady is an easy negate, useful if you're going first because this deck generally does not like going first, works with the skill.

Endymion, the Magistus of Mastery doesn't work with the skill but does with Moray of Greed. Because there's only room for one spell besides the scales, he can be used to remove it and cycle through your hand if needed, good because Moray is usually useless if you draw it after turn one. The extra deck Magistrus can be used as a toolbox for destroying a monster if you have to, backrow removal, or some draw power which this deck otherwise lacks.

Extra deck rarely came up. Volcanosaurus for burn damage if you can't use Spinos but already dealt damage, Leo Utopia Ray for raw power and a negate, the Suship to negate anything (the deck's only answer to Swords of Revealing Light), the Super Quant if you need to destroy and attack (never used it). But Xyz summons are a last resort because they have no protection, and the material goes to the graveyard not the extra deck.

So yeah, that's Dinomist in 2024 that got to KC Max. The level fours are gone because they're either slow or just not enough, so this is the version I cam up with to get to Spinos faster. I won't say this is a super powerful deck or anything, it lives on the edge and relies on some luck, but it managed to grab some wins. And it's different, if that counts for anything. Any fans of the archetype who want to try this version out, good luck and have fun.

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