Dark Magician

KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 8th, 2024
Gems 48k + $11
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Don't have another big non-Effect Fusion/Synchro/Xyz/Link Monster to use for skill activating? Want to do more Fusion Summoning? This deck is for you and works really great even with just Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Hours and hours of grinding finally got me my DLv. Max! Some notes:

  • Compared to my KoG deck from last month, Dark Magical Circle is your only way to get DM into your hand. Running 3 Circle is a must.
  • 3 Chronicle Magician was quite interesting to run. It can get the skill activated AND if you happen to have another one in hand, you can Special Summon the second one and setup an easy Xyz play for Number 74: Master of Blades OR Ebon Illusion Magician.
  • The Dark Magicians as a second floating option helped immensely at times. Other times, it's a necessary sacrifice for Successor Soul.
  • Any deck that consists mainly of cards that require targeting will have a hard time dealing with Number 74: Master of Blades. I've had matches where my opponent was forced to either not target it, or force the negations out to keep playing.
  • D.D. Crow has been very clutch for me. I can either banish cards in the opponent's GY, or if I have no monsters to summon but I have Successor Soul, I can set D.D. Crow and then quickly activate Successor Soul to keep myself going. D.D. Crow is quite good.
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Sky Striker: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0095c56c496736242531da300e04deb6179e1345bb

Trickstar Burn: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/02d12853bd6c1aba99572dcbbec8602cb1db5151b6

Sky Striker again: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/029a232c631accc582cadbeccba93fa73fe8db70ba

Blue-Eyes (Rank Up Match): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05ac19b8916662bd9d9dd320e580f6cfe06573e9c4