Tournament Information


  • 52 Players.
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

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Top Decklists - Prize Support: ¥1,500 yen

1st Place – 星街すいせい

D.D. Crow
Dark Armed Dragon
World Chalice Guardragon
World Chalice Guardragon
World Chalice Guardragon
World Legacy - "World Chalice"
World Legacy - "World Chalice"
World Legacy - "World Chalice"
Lee the World Chalice Fairy
Lee the World Chalice Fairy
Lee the World Chalice Fairy
Ojama Green
Ojama Yellow
World Legacy Succession
Monster Reborn
Cosmic Cyclone
Firewall Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior
Security Dragon
Ib the World Chalice Priestess
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon

2nd Place – 黒き鉄のおじさん

22 cards
D.D. Crow
DoSolfachord Coolia
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon
FaSolfachord Fancia
FaSolfachord Fancia
DoSolfachord Cutia
DoSolfachord Cutia
DoSolfachord Cutia
LaSolfachord Angelia
LaSolfachord Angelia
SolSolfachord Gracia
SolSolfachord Gracia
TiSolfachord Beautia
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Harmonia
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Solfachord Musica
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Abyss Dweller
Borreload Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
GranSolfachord Musecia
Link Disciple

3rd/4th Place – K.T

Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Crane Crane
Crane Crane
Crane Crane
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Fiendish Rhino Warrior
Fiendish Rhino Warrior
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss
Number 47: Nightmare Shark
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword

3rd/4th Place – Yuya

Artifact Lancea
Orcust Harp Horror
Orcust Harp Horror
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcust Brass Bombard
Orcustrated Babel
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Knightmare Phoenix
Brute Enforcer

Top Tier Decks and Guides