Tier 1

TPC Comments:


Six Samurai received a consistency hit which also removed Loading... and Loading... from its repetoir of options. Loading... is the most consistent build while Loading... builds swap out the extra consistency for extra disruption.

Neos is proving itself as a Tier 1 deck having performed exceptionally well in tournaments and having generally good match ups across the board. Most builds are using Loading... to break boards before running over it with Loading... to swing tempo and generate card advantage.


The hit on Loading... - even if small - slightly hurts Six Samurai's consistency, especially in builds without Loading... . However, Asceticism builds are weaker to Loading... because they tend to flood the field and try to end on Loading... + Loading... . This is not a Tier 0 meta anymore.

Koa'ki Meiru is the most flexible deck on the Tier List because of the low number of core cards needed to make it function. It can be played with Loading... , anti-Six Samurai cards, anti-Ancient Gear cards or whatever is required to stay relevant in the meta. Unfortunately, the Loading... build is the stronger version of the deck which makes it extremely pay-to-win.


After being splashed into every deck for its versatility, Neos has found a place in the meta on its own. Boasting a powerful engine with protection in Loading... combined with Loading... - the original Kaiju - and its extreme versatility, Neos looks to take the meta by storm.

Six Samurai's dominance in the meta didn't go unnoticed as Konami decided it's already time to hit one of the deck's core cards, Loading... . Besides the obvious loss of consistency, denying access to cards like Loading... does hurt the deck's options for dealing with stall cards. Despite all that, Six Samurai still have plenty of room to adapt and remain a dominant force in the meta.


With the new banlist Six Samurai lost power and a little bit of consistency. However, people continue to maindeck cards vs it and especially with the add of Neos as a counter they lose their Tier 0 position in the meta. They could still be the best deck, but they are not nearly as dominant as before.

Koa'ki Meiru continues to be a really strong choice in this meta. It has good match-ups all around and a new engine to play with in Loading... . We will have to see in the coming weeks and the MCS whether the Neos build actually ends up being better tho.

Neos turned out to be extremely powerful. Destiny Draw allows them to get their combo pieces quickly and Loading... / Loading... / Loading... to help deal with Loading... , making them an extremely good counter to Six Samurai. I think this is one of the strongest decks at the moment.

Tier 2