A Word From , TPC Manager

Hello all, in light of the recent balance update, we're going to be posting a TPC reaction to the Banlist Changes and how the current Tier List is affected as opposed to your regular Tier List Content. In addition, community tournament organizer and DLM Partner

will also be offering his own insights on affected decks.

Current Tier List

Tier 1

TPC Comments

The hits to Loading... , Loading... and Loading... are all welcome nerfs. This will end up producing more "fair" end-boards overall (until a new floodgate is discovered). The changes to Tuning in the Sky also seem quite impactful (and time will tell how deckbuilding and combos will need to be adjusted). It was probably more harsh than it needed to be, and the ancillary hits to Agent end-board pieces like Loading... and Loading... seem entirely unecessary (to me, at least). Obviously, Agents are definitely expected to drop.

The hit to Tuning in the Sky hurts consistency (Loading... is now a brick), ability to dodge disruption (Loading... can't be searched so playing the second Venus post-disruption will be quite hard). The hits to the floodgates (Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... ) seem correct, and the deck will still be able to make a competent board of Loading... , Loading... and something like Loading... . That being said, it's almost impossible for Agents to keep its Tier 1 spot after the hits, but it's not necessarily a death knell for its metagame viability.

The existence of Loading... was the most unfair part about Blue-Eyes, so I'm glad that Konami finally axed it (good riddance). That being said, the power of this deck remains about the same, and we can expect its position to stay stable somewhere in the list.

Blue-Eyes is still strong. Loading... was an unfair card that gave the deck free wins.

's Comments

Few decks can take the honor of receiving as many hits as Agents. It has the dubious honor of being the deck that finally forced Konami's hand to Limit 1 a box Ultra Rare, alongside numerous other hits, such as Loading... and Loading... . Not content with this card-based depowering, Konami has made the skill borderline worthless. There will be very little attempts made to theorycraft until the skill implementation goes into effect. Personally, this feels like extreme overkill. Expected Tier Rogue.

Losing Loading... hurts the ability of Blue-Eyes to "win on the spot" by drawing it and going first but this was never the game plan of the deck. It remains a strong contender for one of the most F2P friendly competitive decks within the meta, though it is going to increasingly struggle against the rise of high powered, skill-based decks like Borrel Link and the upcoming Fleur. Expected Tier 2/3.