Tier 1
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Melodious is what the meta revolves around right now. Loading... is simply one of the best cards of the format at the moment and if your deck can't out it, you're not going to have a good time. As expected, Melodious has adapted and evolved their playstyle after the most recent banlist which tuned down Harpies and Thunder Dragons, the two most problematic matchups for this deck. Because of Loading... and Loading... 's respective hits, cards like Loading... and Loading... are flourishing throughout the entire meta and Melodious abuses them the best. Since Bloom Diva is so hard to deal with in this format, deck-out is a very successful route Melodious can take to victory in many matchups. We are currently seeing Melodious decks transition into large deck sizes to not only have deck-out advantage in the mirror match, but every other matchup as well. In a meta where a good Floodgate Trap Hole or Drowning Mirror Force can win you a game, Melodious can fit all of these techs without being punished because of their great consistency.
Tier 2
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Heading towards the upcoming MCS, Harpies find themselves at a solid Tier 2 position even after the Loading... hit, most lists now are relying on higher-count builds combining Discard Traps with Loading... and Loading... as main discard targets. This version of the deck has a much higher ceiling than regular Harpies but that does come on the cost of consistency. However, the higher-count Discard version is still considered playable consistency-wise, as it plays so many defensive cards between all the Discard traps and Loading... s, meaning a bad hand is usually a hand where you don't have an immediate play allows you to stall until you do have a play. The 20-card version has also seen play but has not seen as much success as the larger version, which makes sense because without Loading... , it is harder than ever to get to your Loading... combo.
Generally speaking this deck is Tier 2, as its considered to have very good match-ups across the board. Between Harpies' Hunting Grounds still being a good strategy to force out backrow, easy access to a strong and disruptive boss monster in Loading... , and card advantage from Loading... , Loading... and Loading... , this deck is placed at Tier 2 and expectations for this deck are positive.
Harpies remain a strong deck in the current meta. Though some still are sticking with the smaller build, the larger lists seem to be performing better at the moment. Though they're not as likely to start as quickly as the pre-banlist builds, the deck can accrue massive advantage if they open Loading... and can utilize its GY effect through Discard Traps and pops. This deck remains a hindrance to decks that want to cover up with backrow and, if it opens well, can outperform a lot of the meta, but the consistency just isn't at the level it was beforehand. With all these pros and cons, it's still expected to have a good showing in the coming MCS with multiple tops very likely.
Harpies are still strong even after the banlist and, in my opinion, is still the deck to beat.
With the hit to Loading... , the 30-card build seems the way to go right now for the deck .
Discard Traps in combination with Loading... and Loading... help you disrupt your opponent and also make it so you have follow-up for next turn.
Tier 3
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