Top Player Council Thoughts

With the KC Cup now complete, the Tier List will return to focusing on the 1 deck + 5-card side tournament format.

Tier 1

Vampires are now the sole Tier 1 deck in Duel Links. Their consistency, versatility, and ability to push through common disruption is unparalleled by most other decks in the game. Their biggest weakness in Masked Heroes is becoming less common, thanks to Heroes' weakness to most other decks on the Tier List. It will be interesting to see how Vampires handle being the deck to beat however, as they do have significant weaknesses to side-deck cards like Loading... .

TPC Comments:


Vampires easily adapt to meta changes as well as format changes and remain the most consistent and strongest deck in the meta currently. With other tiered decks keeping Hero decks in check, it gives Vampires even more room to dominate.

Tier 2

Blue-Eyes and Masked Heroes have been demoted to Tier 2. Despite being the two most common decks used in the KC cup, neither did particularly well as top-performing players instead flocked to Vampires, Spellbooks, and various control decks. However, with side decks both Blue-Eyes and Heroes can improve their odds significantly against poor match-ups and therefore remain a step above the Tier 3 decks.

TPC Comments:


Blue-Eyes is still extremely versatile and strong, but Vampires (especially those with Sealed Tombs ) being so successful lately is bad news for this deck. Heroes are also on the decline due to the recent success of Banish Control decks. Loading... is for sure this deck's worst nightmare.

Tier 3