Tier 1

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A lot of the support from the newest Mini BOX provides support to backrow strategies, and Tenyi has never been afraid to combat them. Thus, no new bad matchups for the deck leave it at the same position as last week.

Tier 2

Live☆Twin has received a new engine to play with in the form of Amazement. While we have already seen the addition of these cards increase the popularity of the deck, we have yet to see if the change boosts the power level of the deck significantly enough to warrant a change in Tier.

I think Loading... and the Amazement Traps have a nice place in the Live-Twin deck. Before Arlekino, monsters like Loading... and Loading... were played as high-level boss monsters. A new trap-centric boss monster adds interesting avenues to the deck's strategy.

I personally think Live☆Twin is incredibly strong with the new cards: its Turn 2 is better now, and going first is almost an autowin, which can be seen with its tournament toping popularity.

Tier 3

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