It's the first week after the banlist is over and as we clearly saw, Onomat is still the best deck. Not really a surprise given that Onomatoplay is just that broken, that even just having one copy is enough to do the basic plays. However we also saw that some of the decks were able to compete a bit better compared to before. While Onomat is still very sacky in its nature wanting to open up with Loading... and some kind of combination of backrow removal and Loading... s, at the very least having Loading... at only one copy helps with the Turn 3. Onomat not being able to Normal Summon Sister and search Loading... means that an interaction is not forced immediately. As a result, we saw success from some other decks in the format througout the tournaments and that will very likely not change. Just like the fact that Onomat is the best deck and borderline Tier 0 (depending on who you ask) will not change, and as a result, not playing it is like putting oneself at a disadvantage since the ceiling of the deck in combination with the Side Deck options it has to offer are just too good.
This week we also got Loading... in the Selection Box Mini, a Trap card which is pretty interesting against Onomat in particular. While the card is not ideal going second compared to something like Loading... , given that Chain also prevents attacks, the Graveyard effect of Breakthrough Skill is quite helpful against cards such as Loading... and Loading... , whose effects will be used on your turn. Not having to use an extra card to deal with these disruptive monsters could be useful and a reason why it will be mained in more decks. It will not be a staple card like Loading... but more like a card which comes and goes since Fiendish Chain is just more generic.
As such we will have to see how the format continues to develop, but for now, no new decks are going to enter the format and we will have to deal with the same decks for another month.
Tier 1
TPC Comments
I'm sorry to say, but despite everyone beeing super happy about the initial hit Onomat recieved, this deck is still the best deck in the format by a long shot...
We're unsure whether Loading... or Loading... is the optimal choice, as both have their advantages, but we do know one thing: Onomat has gone back to the sackier agressive Rank 4 focus with Loading... . This version is stronger in the Side Deck format against decks like Thunder Dragons due to the ability to dig for Side Deck cards like Loading... and Loading... .
After personal testing, I can safely say nothing reliably beats this deck. While Thunder Dragons can reliably win Game 1, they collapse after the Side Deck comes into play. While you can resort to untargetable boss monsters like Loading... and Loading... , which do well on paper, Onomat can Main or Side outs like Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .
The best counter to Onomat at the moment are heavy-backrow decks like Hero Flash!! stall, which has unfavorable matchups against anything that isn't Onomat.
In my opinion, you're handicapping yourself if you're not playing Onomat, and in that case you'd need to make sure that you main or side heavily for this matchup, because Onomat is 100% the deck to beat.
Tier 2
There are no Tier 2 Decks
Tier 3
TPC Comments
Harpies goes down due to lack of tournament results. Harpies have a bad match-up vs the most popular deck of the format and its good match ups such as Shiranui and other backrow decks are gone. The main rogue deck being used now is Lunalights and that is also bad match-up for Harpies.