As established in the community, not much has changed in the last few weeks: Onomat is undoubtably the best deck and the rest of the meta hovers around the Tier 3 territory. With no new product the format is quite boring.

However, this has allowed players to experiment with rogue decks that happen to have decent Onomat matchups, which adds a nice challenge for deckbuilders. The following decks have popped up to compete in the heavily-represented Onomat meta:

  • Vendread: Loading... when combined with Master of Rites II or another Executor makes your board near untargetable.

  • Set! Delta Accel!! Tech Genus: Has plenty of ways to survive pushes and push back on the following turn.

  • Dinosaurs: Similar to Tech Genus, they are able to survive pushes with the right opening and establish a board in response with Labyrinth Builder

However, the primary downside at this very moment is that even if one builds a deck to counter Onomat, these Tier 3 decks still exist to mess up your matchups.

Overall, Onomat are the best deck, and while it is possible to counter, one usually does so at the cost of matchups against the Tier 3 decks. As such, playing Onomat is still the best choice.

The meta is as stale as ever. When players have begun experimenting with likes of Vendread and Tech Genus, it's safe to assume we've reached the point of no return, where you can just pick up some Onomat cards and probably take wins off of pretty much anyone. Hopefully after worlds, with a somewhat-needed banlist, a new box and the release of the new ARC-V world we'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tier 1

TPC Comments

Onomats continue to dominate most events and remains in Tier 1. The deck has started to shift into an even more backrow-oriented build adding 2 copies of Loading... by cutting Loading... and the Loading... + Loading... package. This adds to your chances of opening backrow in the mirror as that plays a huge role in winning it. As for Extra Deck trends in that build it started running a second Loading... and Loading... . The Corebage is mainly to get rid of big threats that otherwise can't be outed once Loading... is lost, such as Loading... .

Not much has changed in the meta, meaning that Onomat remains the deck to beat. The current strategy seems to be overwhelming the Onomat Side Deck with as many weird rogue decks that attack at different angles, all requiring their own Side Deck techs (Loading... for Tech Genus, for instance), and hoping that a decent Onomat matchup is enough. As for Onomat themselves, the main engine is usually enough to overwhelm most decks, it really comes down to crafting the Side Deck to have the advantage games two and three for both the Tier 3 decks and as many of these rogue decks as possible.

Tier 2

There are no decks in Tier 2

Tier 3

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