Tier 0

TPC Comments:


Six Samurai has proven itself to be an oppressive deck,making up 68.75% of the Top 16 at MCS17. The deck is consistent at setting up hard to deal with boards such as Loading... and either Loading... or Loading... which make countering the deck very difficult. The deck also has strong OTK potential with some builds opting to use Loading... . The deck remains un-optimized with the community debating the necessity of Loading... while others drop Loading... in favor of other disruptive cards and mirror match techs. If you are not playing Samurai, then your build must be tailored to improve the match-up with heavy use of cards such as Loading... and Loading... . We finally got a powerful Synchro deck, but at what cost?


Six Samurai are undeniably Tier 0. The meta right now is Six Samurai then decks that counter Six Samurai. Every other deck that topped MCS17 had cards mained/sided just to compete with the deck. The fact Koa'ki is maining Loading... and switching to Sealed Tombs to stop Loading... protection is evident of this meta. Another example is Amazoness running Parasite Infestation to prevent a Shi En summon. There is so much being ran just to try and counter the deck and it's still dominating the meta.


Six Samurai have proven they stand alone at the top by not only being the most played deck by far at the recent MCS, but also converting 20 decks to Top 32, despite other decks main decking up to 3 Loading... to counter them. It's a close call, but Six Samurai might truly be a Tier 0 deck.

Tier 1

TPC Comments:


There are no Tier 1 decks given the gap in power between Six Samurai and all other decks in the current metagame.

Tier 2

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