Skill Changes

The Skill Changes will go into effect by updating to 8.6.0, which will be released around March 19th-22nd, and become mandatory on March 25th!

  • lswarm Union has had its "lswarm" Deckbuilding restriction removed
  • Tachyon Dragon Domination received multiple changes, Firstly you cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters with a Level outside of 4/8 Light Dragons with >=2000 ATK or Level 8 Dark Dragons with 2500 or 2000 ATK (Turns off Loading... ). Secondly the Skill no longer sets a Level Dragon 8 Monster for free after searching the LIGHT Dragon, and the effect to search is now Once per Duel. Thirdly, the second part of the Skill requires Loading... specifically, Fourthly, it must return a Dragon-Type to the hand to now Set Loading... / Loading... to your field (but it can be activated the same turn).
  • Shiranui Style Successor can now only add "Shiranui" monsters and not "Shiranui" Cards (no other changes).

Tell us your thoughts on the new Skill Balance in the comments below!