
Traptrix are a control deck, and the Traptrix are going to win games by destroying and disturbing effects with traps and beating your opponents to death…with LOLIS. Trap usage management is really important, it is also important to know when to use Endless Trap Hell , like whether to recycle for Loading... usage or to get value out of recycling most of your game changing traps like Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , et cetera. I will update my deck as I perfect it and if you have your own consistent build let me know in the comments. Overall this deck is really fun, and I hope you guys have as much fun with it as I have!

Endless Trap Hell Tips

  • Try to use Endless Trap Hell conservatively, don't use it purely for the Loading... activation.

  • If you’re about to set up for a desperation ETH play, load up your grave with Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... so when one of them goes into your hand you can set it on your field.

  • ETH should only rarely be used just to trigger TTH, some circumstances may include Vampire matchup and the Geargia matchup.

  • It is ok to sacrifice good traps like Canadia or Wall of Disruption for a Loading... summon as you can just ETH it back [This play should only be made if you know it’s game or if it is a desperate situation].

  • ETH should also be used when you have monsters in hand but no traps on the field or in your hand, try not to have Loading... in your grave when you do this though, as you really don’t want Drowning to be the only trap in your possession.

  • In the most optimal situation, it is best to use ETH when you have five or more traps in your grave and you have established field control so you can play a little more recklessly knowing you have traps to fall back on to recover.

Trap Layer Tips

  • With my recent decklist I have quite a few more monsters than before and I found myself often bricking with too many monsters in my deck, so I just wanted a more consistent skill to open with my traps

Chain Reaction Tips

  • With the recent uprising of Last Gamble, this is a pretty good counter against it, also if you don’t manage to finish off your opponent with your witch raider play, you could finish him off with Chain Reaction. Warlock would totally approve of this 😊

Sample Decks

Vision HERO Witch Raider
Vision HERO Witch Raider
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Dionaea
Traptrix Dionaea
Drowning Mirror Force
Drowning Mirror Force
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Treacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap Hole
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
22 cards
Vision HERO Witch Raider
Vision HERO Witch Raider
Mana Dragon Zirnitron
Mana Dragon Zirnitron
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Atrax
Traptrix Dionaea
Traptrix Dionaea
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Network Trap Hole
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Treacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap Hole
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption

Core Cards

Traptrix Atrax

Traptrix Atrax

In my opinion it’s a must have of three because it pretty much renders all back row removal useless

Traptrix Dionaea

Traptrix Dionaea

Really good you don’t really need a three of, I would be running a three of but I faced so many Loading... s on ladder, so I subbed one out for Loading...

Treacherous Trap Hole

Treacherous Trap Hole

Hands down best trap card in the game, why wouldn’t you use it?

Floodgate Trap Hole

Floodgate Trap Hole

It is a hole card and it flips cards summoned face down permanently, if two monsters were summoned at the same time and you activate this card, they will both be flipped

Vision HERO Witch Raider

Vision HERO Witch Raider

For beating over big monsters, I usually used this to deal with Loading... s since it’s a backrow clear and they can’t chain any traps to it so it’s basically a free Jinzo Removal

Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Deals with a lot of cards like Loading... , Loading... or Loading... if summoned from Loading... , Loading... doing Anki stuff, Loading... , et cetera.