Hassleberry Event

Event Information

  • Tyranno Hassleberry is here, defeat him to obtain Loading... !
  • This event takes place from December 18th to December 26th.
  • Dueling in Ranked Duels and against Legendary/Standard Duelists or the Vagabond in any Duel World will increase the chance of him appearing.
  • Tyranno Hassleberry will only appear in Duel World (GX) - not in 5D's/DM!
  • He will not appear at the gate and the chance of him appearing is not affected by dueling at the gate.

Drop Rewards

These are his rewards, exactly like we found in the Datamined Leaks!

Giant Rex
Black Stego
Miracle Jurassic Egg
Survival of the Fittest
Volcanic Eruption
Jurrac Spinos
Black Veloci
Jurrac Protops
Little D

Event Missions

Complete these missions to get guaranteed rewards!

Mission Reward
Win 1 Duel against Tyranno Hassleberry Loading...
Win 3 Duels against Tyranno Hassleberry Loading...
Win 7 Duels against Tyranno Hassleberry Loading...
Play 15 Duels against Tyranno Hassleberry Loading...

Top Player Council Thoughts


Loading... is a great addition to Dinos that has synergy with cards like Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

Survival of the Fittest has good potential as a 2-monster clear that can be used in the Damage Step. Can be good against Blue-Eyes, Loading... , and Loading... under Loading... .


Loading... gives Dinos a lot of flexibility they didn't have before. Previously a single Loading... was devastating but now the deck has a bit of recycling and recovery (through Loading... especially, followed by a Salamandra banish).

I think Dinos could push to the fringe to Tier 3 after this. The biggest problem this deck has is relying a lot on having the right tech cards at the right time (like Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... ). Additionally, Loading... misses a lot of relevant ATK thresholds: 2150 is below a Kingdom-boosted Loading... /Loading... , 2450 is below a Kingdom boosted Loading... (or Grimson/Vamp) and ties with Loading... 's defense, and 2750 can't clear an Anki or Loading... .

Farming Decks

Lvl: 40 Yubel Farm - credit Jadehex

20 cards
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
Yubel - Terror Incarnate
Montage Dragon
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Planet Pathfinder
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Union Attack
Union Attack
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Fire King Island


Note: Make sure to keep at least three Monsters (Ideally high Level Monsters) in your hand for Loading... . You also want to keep a Loading... in your hand just in case Hassleberry summons a Token to your side of the field on the last turn. There's no fear setting cards like Loading... or Loading...

Last Turn

  • If You have a Juraegg Token on Your Field, set an extra Loading... over your face-up one to clear your monsters before summoning Loading...
  • Special Summon Loading... in Attack Position by discarding three (ideally high Level) monsters
  • Normal Summon Loading... and use both Loading... and Loading... on it.
  • Attack Directly with Vassal (If Hassleberry Summons anything with his Traps, continue to Attack Directly)


Tyranno Hassleberry Lvl 40 Decklist

Giant Rex
Giant Rex
Giant Rex
Souleating Oviraptor
Tyranno Infinity
Super Conductor Tyranno
Ultimate Tyranno
Jurrac Spinos
Jurrac Protops
Jurrac Protops
Jurrac Protops
Black Veloci
Black Veloci
Black Veloci
Miracle Jurassic Egg
Fossil Dig
Lost World
Tail Swipe
Living Fossil
Fossil Excavation
Survival of the Fittest
Survival Instinct
Survival Instinct
Jurassic Impact

Tyranno Hassleberry Lvl 30 Decklist

Jurrac Protops
Jurrac Protops
Jurrac Protops
Dark Driceratops
Mad Sword Beast
Mad Sword Beast
Mad Sword Beast
Black Veloci
Tail Swipe
Big Evolution Pill
Big Evolution Pill
Living Fossil
Hunting Instinct
Fossil Excavation
Fossil Excavation