
Spicy Win Streaks from on October 29th, 2023
Gems 70.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Pot of duality is extremely good at getting your normal summon turn 1 or the right tech card like lance or book. I recommend searching: Neos going 1st for super poly search + setup and search or Yubel going 2nd to break boards and get neos for follow-up.

The only special summons in the deck are super poly (which can be used on opponents turn) or miracle contact (which will only happen on your 2nd turn onward) which makes pot of duality very viable.

Flipping own yubel or neos with book then re-flip summoning it to get a search can be extremely good in late game-states.

The grandmerge is there for the hero mirror to super poly with and makes shining neos after but this didn’t come up too much so can be cut. Would replace with great tornado but don’t own one.

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