Evil HEROs

Spicy Win Streaks from on October 28th, 2022
Gems 65k + $55
30 cards

Notes & Combos

What if you wanted to play HEROs but they are too good for you? Here is the Evil HEROs. They do the same thing but they are worse then HEROs. You cannot play dd crow you cannot fit everything you want into the deck since konami said :

" ● 10 or more cards that are “Evil HERO” monsters, "Dark Fusion", or "Dark Calling" are included in the Deck.

● No monsters other than “Evil HERO” or “Elemental HERO” monsters are included in the Deck.

● No monsters other than Fusion Monsters are included in the Extra Deck." ----------------------------------

Checkout my replays! I m sure that i just got lucky

Player id: 457-299-666

10-1: -Replay1 vs Water:https://duellinks.konami.net/att/013bca252db769dc98b846841a564692b5b70485d5

-Replay5 vs Salamangreat:https://duellinks.konami.net/att/072be0c11fbc3887b8684a0aabbf881dc41d5a06a2

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