
Spicy Win Streaks from on November 18th, 2023
Gems 11k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is CRAAAZYYYYY, you autowin vs so many decks by just summoning a big untargetable mother of all fusions. Going second I usually just try to summon leo dancer + sabre dancer. There's no consistent line to do this (to my knowledge) but it can be done. Going first you always wanna do the following combo:

Tiger + 2 level 4s

Normal Summon any level 4, discard your other level 4 with the skill and send marten. Revive marten with tiger, and xyz for Dweller. Detatch marten, bounce tiger with marten. Scale tiger, revive the discarded level 4, xyz for EVILSWARM NIGHTMARE. DO NOT PLAY GIANT HAND, IT IS REALLY BAD. I AM JUST POOR.

Some other useful interactions and tips:

The skill can send any monster which you can then add back with black sheep, turning black sheep into an extra 3 copies of tenki.

Tiger reviving a monster, bouncing tiger with marten, then reviving another monster with tiger is always crazy good.

Tiger king is how you beat blue eyes (twin burst specifically) and yubel. Just make it, detatch a material and negate yubel so you can run over it. If they don't summon the final yubel form, just make panther dancer/cat dancer to beat into the yubel twice so it can't float.

Kaleido (other than its poly effect for some reason), tiger, black sheep and crimson fox have NO HOPT. These cards are insane, abuse them as much as you can.

Not a tip, but PLEASE play 3 tenki, 3 kaleido and evilswarm nightmare. These cards win games, I just haven't finished digging yet.

This deck is kinda inconsistent. For every insane tiger + kaleido + black sheep + lunalight fusion or whatever hand you get, you'll get crimson fox, marten, poly and lunalight fusion. You just gotta take the good with the bad.

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Replays OTK vs orcust through 2 interruptions