
Spicy Win Streaks from on November 17th, 2022
Gems 47k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

optimized star deck the combo are simple. You can summon hayate without tributing your opponents control a monster or you control a light monster. you can summon neos knight your first turn mill kaiki you set up your combo to summon ideaten the conqueror star. we got backrow removal destory those card . we got a bacon saver for protection and lunalight crimsion fox to make them zero also ideaten make them zero to otk them. we got black luster solider envoy for attack or twice or removal their monster. we got magical hound for special summon take out fields spell and to synchro summon trishula zero dragon ice barrier. you can speical summon kaiki from your hand you control hayate. we got number 61 volcanasauras to destory big monster The last part is we got kaiju for removal and so ideaten drop them zero because is in attack postion.

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