Six Samurais

Spicy Win Streaks from on November 17th, 2022
Gems 27k + $40
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Summary of the deck list:

  • 2 Dojo to increase the chances of opening Shi En (to negate popular spells/traps such as Dark Magical Circle)
  • 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device to perform Enishi's effect without reducing overall consistency
  • The extra deck is comprised of monsters that either enable the Six Samurai archetype, or provide negates (Roach, Abyss Dweller) and OTK potential (Dark Rebellion + Malevolent Sin)
  • The Tie that Binds for a potential 400+ ATK increase due to the newly added 4th monster zone

A video with the highlights will be available on my YouTube channel on the 16th November!

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