Gimmick Puppet

Spicy Win Streaks from on November 12th, 2022
Gems 43k + $15
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Surprisingly easy rank up path to KOG. This deck has a lot of benefits against current meta, my toughest matches were any Water XYZ/Mermail or Infernoids. I'd run 3x Terror Baby but I don't have it.

Turn 1 play:

-Use skill and send Dreary Doll

-Use Monsters in hand and link into Chimera Doll and search a Terror Baby to have in hand for next turn.

-XYZ summon into GP of Strings and set any backrow. If I used condolence puppet in turn 1 I also activate to make Strings undestructable.

Turn 2 play:

-A little more variety here, the strategy was match up dependent. I would try to get Terror Baby in the grave and Bisque Doll in the grave and activate their effects. Terror Baby made Salamangreat Roar dead for most effects (watch out for non-Gimmick Puppet effects). Bisque Doll made my Gimmick Puppets untargetable.

-From there I either go into Chimera Doll, search and summon the best cards in the situation to get either Gigantes Doll or the rank 8 XYZ's out and clear the monster field.

-Generally I can ignore backrow due to Bisque Doll's effect. Started to run into more Mekk Knight decks later on so I added MST to counter. I prefer to run more condolence puppet as it allows me to dump the important cards into the grave.

-All the traps were beneficial to have. I think ideally I might choose to run 2 Warning Point and 2 Barrage Blast, but the mix I had worked out fine.

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