
Spicy Win Streaks from on May 26th, 2023
Gems 49.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

There are 2 main combos going first:

1 - Just need a Terrortop or Yoyo and you get a one card Crystal Wing.

2 - This is the combo for Stardust Warrior. For this combo you need any combination of Terrortop + Taketomborg or Yoyo.

1. Special Summon Terrortop and search for the missing combo piece(Taketo or Yoyo).

2. Use Clear Wing Acceleration and foolish your red eyed dice.

3. Normal summon Yoyo and use his eff targeting the red eyed dice and once you summon it, use his eff to change terrortop level to 4.

4. Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Hagoita using Red eyed dice + any of the other monsters on field.

5. Special summon Taketomborg from hand, use his eff to summon Den-Den Daiko Duke from the deck and summon Crystal Wing using Den-Den and Hagoita

6. Use Den-Den Daiko Duke GY eff to Special summon once again Red Eyed Dice from the GY and DO NOT USE HIS EFFECT(Sorry for this LOL). After this, Use Hagoita GY eff to special summon it from the GY if you have a Speedroid tuner on the field.

7. Synchro Summon using Red Eyed Dice and the level 4 speedroid(Either Terrortop or Yoyo, depends on which one you left on the field) into Battlewasp - Azusa The Ghost Bow.

8. Finally, just Synchro summon Stardust Warrior using Azusa and Hagoita.

Your final board will be: Stardust Warrior + Crystal Wing + 2 Cards in Hand

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vs Speedroid: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/01a24b2611c7789d7b20fb97f28df6c3ea61e2b5b5

vs Rokket: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/041f1496ba86355c46223ece10733a717cdd1f74bf

vs Speedroid: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07c4c976e203a3abb0763e852b20942d88bdd5a4f4

vs Synchron: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/011cf3caa058f767e2337dea3b4a21ea7fd9930f66

vs Odd-Eyes: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/04e209c796602598cf21575ef6f254412d432fae89