
Spicy Win Streaks from on May 18th, 2023
Gems 50k + $105
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Raptor rising skill buff is cool but it doesn't really help this deck reach meta. The deck can still do something concrete but sadly, other meta decks can do it better.

This is what I feel about this deck

  • This Deck Best endboard is Bounzer + Nightmare + Backrow (obviously). You'll need Vanish + Tribute to do so.
  • The level manipulation is for now, allowing you to rank-up into revolution via raid force, or letting you keep your rise falcon on board for extra body which doesn't really solve the deck problems.
  • The skill now allows you to search same RUM twice but I don't see that is necessary as the only good one is Soul Shave Force that halves your LP so I doubt you would survive a turn with less than 2000. Therefore, I am using the same line up of RUM at the moment.
  • Pentastag is there to punish Orcust players who thought having 2 defense bodies would keep them alive
  • Swallow's Nest is fantastic for this deck as it turns any Raidraptors into Tribute Lanius which is our best main deck monsters. Also, it helps us to play through disruption as well since most people are likely to disrupt our first normal summon.
  • You can switch between Bounzer or Solda as I change them regular based on what I found on ladder/tournaments.

Feel free to comment or correct me if I am wrong.

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Replays Orcust S-Force D/D/D Orcust Orcust Rokket L