
Spicy Win Streaks from on May 19th, 2023
Gems 39k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

All you need to draw is 2 scales for this deck to function, which basically garanteed if you only play engine without any staples.

Turn 1 is a rank 4 plus a rank 7, I generally make giant hand plus Voloferniges, pivoting to dweller if I think my opponent is on orcust or something similar.

Going second this deck performs exeptionally well. Dragonpit and Dragonpulse magician, especially with pend call protection, just chew through boards and odd eyes raging dragon is extremely easy to make. And when it sticks it basically always OTKs.

It is also pretty fun to play, pend summoning 4 and board wiping feels pretty good.

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