
Spicy Win Streaks from on May 24th, 2023
Gems 43k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

The basic idea of this deck is to combine Rokkets ability to pop for advantage with Archfiends advantage when they are popped.

The gameplan starts as regular Rokkets while dumping Archfiends (using Griefing), until you draw Archfiends revivers (Roar & Cavalry). Griefing is also very effective against Orcust and PK.

In case you draw Falling Down you can revive Archfiend or summon one from ED to make it live.

In case you draw Super Poly, you can revive Summoned Skull or summon one from ED to make it live. It's very effective against most of the meta right now (and in case of Odd-Eyes, PK or mirror match you can even summon Furious Dragon with it).

One of the best combos is to battle with Empress and Tracer / Furious Dragon and then pop Empress to get 2 more bodies / destroy opponent card.

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