Gimmick Puppet

Spicy Win Streaks from on March 5th, 2024
Gems 53.5k + $15
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Here is my final version of Gimmick Puppet. I find the deck particularly good at the moment. Dingirsu gives Shiranui a hard time and Giant Killer burns Tachyon to death.

I chose to play 2 Bisque and 2 Gear Changer because Mischief can also prevent me from playing (Gear Changer can modulate its level on Dreary who is summoned from the graveyard so not affected by Mischief). When Mischief is less popular, I think it will be more interesting to start with 3 Bisque and 1 Gear Changer or even 3 Baby (even if I find that 2 is already enough).

If you play first: the goal is to finish on Chimera + Dingirsu (with 3 equipment) to ensure good protection and guaranteed follow. WARNING: only finish on Dingirsu if your opponent plays Shiranui and you have no staple because otherwise he will just have to attack you with sync 8.

If you play second: against Tachyon, try to make him use as many interruptions as possible in the void then summon Giant Killer who will take care of lethal on his own. I can't really tell you how to bait because it really depends on your hand. Against Shiranui, summon Dingirsu quickly (the reborn from synchro 10 becomes ineffective from this point on).

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