Mermail Atlantean

Spicy Win Streaks from on June 29th, 2023
Gems 61.5k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

Not that I've played the deck before on dl but I think Megalo is a lot more viable now that Sentry is in the game because you can either add back a Dragoons from the gy to hand you sent off Teus to mitigate the lost advantage from using Megalo or high roll and mill one when you start with something like a swap frog.

I was debating on the Scale to use for Megalo, in the tcg the pick has always been Mizuchi but in dl I think Kraken is slightly better. Mizuchi is only really good at insulating your Crocodragon against tech cards like Book or Chalice while Kraken will do something against every deck.

3 Aria is probably bricky, but I don't have any Moray so had to play 3 to up the consistency. Although I don't personally like Moray (from playing the deck in tcg anyway dl might be different) so idk if I'd play it even if I had them.

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