Hazy Flame

Spicy Win Streaks from on June 3rd, 2022
Gems 27.5k + $75
22 cards

Notes & Combos

There are so many ways to build this deck with Beatrice. It turns out this means there are a lot of bad ways to build this deck. I'm not convinced this is the right way to build Hazy right now.

Standard turn 1 is to summon Cerb and Beatrice, dump glow-up bulb. You can send Farfa or tackle crusader as disruption the following turn, or dump Mars as a play extender. Other options include Bacon Saver and Stegocyber, which brick like there's a construction site nearby. Dragon Ice is the bad tech I refuse to let go of. With Beatrice, you can set up disruption that Book of Moon or similar cards won't stop. Going 2nd is significantly worse because Pendulum decks will never lose card advantage when you use Beatdown. ----------------------------------

Here are some terrible replays. Some are using older techs.

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