War Rock

Spicy Win Streaks from on July 20th, 2022
Gems 40.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Turn one play is really hand dependant. Sometimes you can manage to get Book + Dignity +Mountain, others you get MST + Fortia set pass. Usually it's enough to survive due to the decks's floating and negate. But you really do wish you could go second a lot of the time

This deck is also not the most optimal, it's just what i got my winstreak using. Most notably i'd remove the Gustav package for Dark Rebellion if i had him. As there's been quite a few games i've lost just because i didn't have him, same goes for the skill. I only used D-Sense S/T cuz i wanted to go in ranked with Bakura. Works well enough though, sense into a Mountain is hype

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