Sacred Beast

Spicy Win Streaks from on July 10th, 2022
Gems 41k + $38
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Add Liebe to extra deck if you're using Gustav / Skypalace.

3x Chaos Summoning Beast and 3x Dark Summoning Beast for consistency. CSB + any other monster card (including itself) is a 2-card sacred beast + Fallen Paradise combo. DSB + any other monster card other than itself or a divine beast, is also a 2-card sacred beast + Fallen Paradise.

If you wanted to make a sacky OTK you could use Concentrating Current (probably sub Ballista and 1 BoM).

Raviel is the best generic T1 sacred beast, use the tokens as Econ / Ballista fodder. Another Ballista might be nice, if you have it (I don't).


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