
Spicy Win Streaks from on January 6th, 2024
Gems 35.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Solid deck. 9-0 wins and i couldve reached KoG easily but KoG Ladder isn't fun lol

I found "Super Team Buddy Force Unite" a really good tech card for this deck. Trying to use all the effects of Mayhem, i came up with this trap card, and let me tell you it works really well (you can change it for any staple if you wish tho)

Trying to run a version not heavily focused on the new UR since it's weak to Veilers. Remember to chain 2 Dakkis if you noticed your rival has DD crow.

Hope this deck is recognized as the great deck it is in DL: a hidden gem of the box.

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YouTube Gameplay:

winstreak proof

win 7

win 8

win 9