
Spicy Win Streaks from on January 4th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Reached a Winstreak of 13. (Last duels were kinda boring tho) Focused more on Co-Link plays and trying out a "tryhard" combo using Dracossack, having Citadel turn 1 and protection for your pop if you choose Dracossack (protected by a token on field) Redeployment is too good. Play it the more you have Triple fortress and the orange one for more searching. Be careful with Veilers and play around it when you can. Megaform is good for link climbing. Dracossack also spams an extra monster for spicy co-link knightmares. I don't play the other Machinas, didn't work to me. Anyways, enjoy the gameplay if you have time to watch it! Totally fun!

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YouTube Video with combos & proof: