Notes & Combos
Recent Pickup Boxes gave me access to few archtypes I wanted to test as engine to Archfiends - first one is Abyss Actors.
The basic idea of this deck is to combine Abyss Actors resources generation with Archfiends revives and floats.
Use Madonna to search Actors to slow down the game until you draw Call and 8 level fiend you can discard by skill or Knightmares. Then, use her to get fuel for Call. She can also be revived by Call or Empress if she was dumpd to GY.
Use Tour Guide to summon Rhino for high level fiend dump or Eccentrick to make Falling down live. Eccentrick can also be used as high scale for Pendulum Summon or to pop Hope for a search.
Backrow is clogged quickly so you'll have to manage it carefully. On the other hand, destroyed Curse Necrofear will revive itself and non target pop half of the field.
Replays from Legend rank - part of a 5 winstreak.