
Spicy Win Streaks from on February 4th, 2024
Gems 36.5k + $11
23 cards

Notes & Combos

Just like my suship deck, this deck was just an idea that I had which got a winstreak.

This deck basically works the same as mekk charmers, but you set up your columns for musket effects instead of mekk summons.

You will usually use the skill to setup Awakening, and summon a musket to that zone (usually starfire) to activate their effect and go into Max for more summons/searches.

Going first you want to instead setup as many disruptions as you can with Partnerships, BOM, Cross domination/dancing need/desperado and Giant hand, and OTK with amblowhale/code talker with the boost from Awakening.

Artemis might be good for this deck but I don't have it so I wasn't able to try it out.

If you want to try this deck I would remove 1 warning point for a 3rd starfire and cut a caspar to thin the deck a little bit, as I lost to a hard brick vs constellar. You can also cut kidbrave as I've never really needed him outside of his decent ATK.

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replay 1 (vs exodia):

replay 2 (vs red-eyes):

replay 3 (vs salamangreat):

replay 4 (vs DM):

replay 5 (vs galaxy):

replay 6 (vs magnets):

replay 7 (loss vs constellar):