
Spicy Win Streaks from on December 11th, 2023
Gems 47k + $4
28 cards

Notes & Combos

Legend rank is full of Yubel decks, so I decided to try one of their best counters - Archfiend Black Skull Dragon.

The basic idea of this deck is to combine Red-Eyes consistency and early game explosiveness with Archfiends revives and floats.

Summoned Skull is always added by skill and can be dumped by RE fusion. Lightning can also be dumped by Insight or Meteor, so you usually have more than enough Archfiend revive targets.

Revive Archfiends using Roar, Empress, Cavalry or Comet. Pop Empress or Cavalry by Borreload to get pop and revive.

I rarly dueled against Lunalight or BE, so I only added 2 Void Trap Holes to counter them.

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Replays from Legend rank - part of a 9 winstreak.