Phantom Knight Burning Abyss

Spicy Win Streaks from on August 29th, 2023
Gems 36k + $90
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is great. The two archetypes synergize really well. Strategy is heavily dependent on starting hand and whether going first or second.

You have to plan around being able to utilize your BA names, keeping a way to either normal or special summon a PK monster, and the restrictions on summoning once you use Break Swords second effect.

The Skill is good for consistency, but remember that if you try to summon dark requiem T1, the second part of the skill will lock you out from activating your XYZ monster effects more than once. This includes Dante return to hand, Beatrice float or effect to send to grave.

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vs Mekk Crusadia

vs Magical Muskets

vs Hero

vs Dark Magician

vs Gimmick Puppet