
Spicy Win Streaks from on April 21st, 2024
Gems 38k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

With Synchro Stormraze, Dragunity is able to OTK easier with Vajrayana, and survive better going 1st with the extra LP gain. Wynn is amazing in this deck, it can search every single monster besides Arma Gram and Guisarme, and can discard your tuners to the grave for dux or the synchros to equip.

This version is mostly unoptimized because I only bought 1 structure just to test the deck out. It still loses to a single disruption, but with forbidden lance to protect your normal summon it can be a little more manageable. This deck can't counter many of the top decks currently. Basically the only consistent answer you have to zombies and strikers is the banish effect of Gormfaobhar, and your best bet with blue eyes and TG is to just get lucky.

A few things to remember if you play dragunities:

  1. Remember that Vajrayana doubles its current attack, so you want to use any other ATK boosts you have before using its ATK boost.
  2. Senatus locks you into only Dragons from the ED the turn you use its effect, so you wont be able to summon cyber harpie, hama, squiresaga and any other non-dragon synchros.
  3. Guisarme is a hard once per turn, while Phalanx is a soft once per turn. This means you can climb from a Vajrayana into a crystal wing, but you can't climb from a Gormfaobhar into an Ascalon in the same turn (at least not by using guisarme's effect).

I would recommend switching out a Dux for a Senatus and removing draft for a 2nd ravine or a Legatus. Arma Ley can also be replaced as it didn't come up very often, and I would add a 2nd lance in its place.

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