World Legacy

Spicy Win Streaks from on April 15th, 2023
Gems 24k + $36
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Opening Arboria Crusadia in 1st turn is great to get Reclusia for extra pop of cards.

Combo is the same if no crusadia in initial draw. -> NS any Crusadia "or" if no World Chalice in hand NS Lee instead -> Search World Chalice "if already in hand search Guarddragon for protection" -> Activate skill -> LS Imduk -> Search Reclusia (use whenever needed) -> TS World Chalice -> Summon any Link 2 except Ib -> SS Lee and Guard Dragon from World Chalice (Search Guarddragon if Lee has not searched yet) -> LS Ib -> Activate Guarddragon from GY to SS Wall -> LS Imduk -> LS Ningirsu "OR" SS Reclusia -> LS Borrel END* Ib pointing to Ningirsu/Borrel + anti target from hand with Guard dragon

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